Monday, August 22, 2005

I believe, all schadenfreudes should be punished and crucified to the city walls.

Just my own opinion. Don't you hate it when you get ripped off by some seller, or see something like that actually happen? Dishonesty, -shakes head-.

Such disgraceful acts should be condemned and should never ever be tolorated in our country or any other countries for that matter.

Well, baby just finished catching "The Maid" with her godsistas and she was recounting to me that the entire documentary was actually filmed near my place! What the heck la. I really know where it is. It's near the Haig Girls. Now I dare not eat the Wanton Noodles near there anymore. Haha.. kidding.

WTF. Only a maid wad. Imagine.... "MARIA I WANT NOODLES!" then the next thing you know the maid appears with a wanton noodle packet in her hands but instead of chilli, it's blood. And instead of char siew, it's meat from huma-... ok you get the idea -smiles sheepishly-


So..... maybe I should start snapping photos and posting them up real soon. Am kinda tired with words and words and words, and words and words, and words........

Yea. :)

Pics will be up soon!

Ciao guys, take care and PEACE

JJ, signing off.